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female, medium round face, mid back length dark brown hair, deep blue eyes, blue plaid long sleeve dress, young complexion, medium burgundy lipstick
5 person family holding hands with their backs facing you, solid color and blue plaid outfits mixed, adults and children outdoors in the park with many palm trees


a couple poses sitting on the front porch of an old 19th century farm house, red brick house, wrap around porch

Tiffany Hawkins for DVUSD

My name is Tiffany Hawkins. I am running for Deer Valley Unified School District School Board. I am an alumni of Deer Valley HS, with three children in the district currently. I’ve been married to my loving and loyal husband for over 17 years. I grew up in the heart of Deer Valley and have watched my family grow in the same neighborhoods as I did. In my early career, I spent over a decade managing a Top 100 Corporation as Lead Auditor in the Revenue Processing Center. Proudly our team maintained a less than 1% error rate throughout my tenure. In my time there, I learned vital lessons of patience, accuracy, consistency and compliance, and the necessity of those qualities.

As life takes us down different paths, I transitioned from work to home life with my family, to watch them grow and learn, wondering what new things they would discover. Early on with my children, I was seeing in our district, things were not the same as when I was making my way through school. As I continued to observe all the changes, it was apparent the leadership was struggling and lost their sense of purpose and direction.

Over the years, I worked to research laws and policies that would help urge the District to build a more consistent and coherent bullying/harassment policy. The end result was a rewritten policy that was improved, but still lacks enough protection for students. My auditing was used to help guide the district in putting together a version of the policy, to provide as a strong starting point for improvements. A small step in a better direction, but more work can be done to make student safety, a top priority. By attending Board meetings, I am more directly involved now. I am confident in making better changes by working together.

I have met with staff from around the district experiencing these changes. During conversations, I was happy to hear many positives. They also shared some concerns. As I listened, I became more aware how these situations affect our children’s educational journey, and how they occur amongst our students. Strongly noting: lack of support from Admins, severe discipline/disturbance issues in class, lack of staff or resources. I am honored for the time and conversations with the students, parents and community, in which I could provide my knowledge, for processes, forms and policies that would be helpful in their concerns. I am thankful of these conversations, which have guided me in finding the right questions to provide direction on school policy. They have been inspirational in driving my passion.

After speaking with the community, I was compelled to reach out to the next level of support to find resolution to our shared concerns. I was afforded the privilege to meet with State Superintendent Tom Horne, a few Senators and House Representatives. There was agreement on the need for policy changes. In this meeting it was agreed, that districts are lacking accountability for discipline follow through. Allowing disruptive students to remain in class, which is contributing to youth altercations, and reduced academic performance. Listening to the community and States leaders, I am firm in my decision to run for school Board.

Looking back on my personal experiences, I learned to work through the processes, and find effective ways of bringing needed attention and changes to these overlooked issues. I will continue my work to bring consistency of consequences in our discipline process, for the safety of all students and staff throughout the district, so all are held to the same standard. One of my goals is to sharpen and reinforce communication, to enhance community confidence and make a positive impact for all students in DVUSD. I will seek out avenues and make pathways that encourage community input and find solutions.

Our Community

My Commitments

3 flags waving in the wind, side by side are deer valley flag, USA flag and the Arizona flag, in that order

My community - I am dedicated and committed to shaping a brighter future for our children. For improving the educational experience for all students. I have a heartfelt sense of understanding and appreciation for the hard work and dedication of our Teachers. They have helped me see a more complete picture of our schools. By speaking with staff and asking questions, attending Board meetings, and hearing firsthand what it takes to run a district of our size. Seeing all the hard work being done, and more still needed. I pledge to begin to bridge these gaps. Together we can stand tall.

Safe Environment – I plan to ensure each campus has the most updated training and strategic plans for campus emergencies. Ensure staff have all necessary trainings for maximum student safety. Propose student feedback during after action reports following drills, to gauge how prepared students felt. I will also continue to work with Parents and District leadership, seeking out the best practices for molding a strong, effective and functional Bullying/harassment policy. In recent community surveys, safety is a top concern and should be one of the district’s top priorities.

Parent Involvement – I will pursue different ways to engage Parents, students and staff, to increase parental awareness. I would propose a review of how the district communicates with Parents, and how effective those methods are working. This will allow the Board to have more data on how to keep Parents and the community the most well informed. I will encourage improvements for more timely academic updates and progress for students. Along with improving academic interventions, and relaying those needs to Parents.

Back to the Basics - Overall school grades have dropped over the last few years. Supplemental programs have been continuously added to the system before they have been fully vetted and tested. I will seek thorough review and research prior to implementing new programs, reducing wasteful spending. Hold our students to a higher standard of excellence, and provide our teachers the resources necessary to achieve that excellence. I will focus on accelerating academic progress in critical skills for Math, Reading, Science and History. I will fully support a parent’s choice directing their child’s education.

Election Campaign

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